Kidney and Urology Super Speciality Institute – Pune


Male Infertility

Male Infertility can be due to Various reason, such as low Sperm Count, Health issues, Hormone Abnormality. In most cases, Male Infertility issues are Correctable. A detailed Analysis will help with the right Medication on the Patients.

Urinary Incontinence (Leakage)

Urinary Incontinence is the Incapacity to control one’s Bladder that can lead to Leakage. Few reasons such as the poor Bladder, Menopause, Childbirth or even Post-Pregnancy. Diseases such as Diabetes or Eating Habit

Prostate Enlargement

An Enlarged Prostate means the Gland. Has grown bigger. Prostate Enlargement happens to almost all Men as they get Older. An Enlarged Prostate is often called Benign Pro Static Hyperplasia (BPH). It is not Cancer, and it does not Raise your Risk for Crostate cancer. Watch this Video about Enlarged Prostate Gland.

Male Sexual Dysfunctions

Male Sexual Dysfunctions is the issue face during Sexual Intercourse. It can be due to Physical, Psychological or Lifestyle if Untreated can cause Anxiety and Stress Affecting the Quality of Life of an Individual.

Kidney Transplantation

An Enlarged Prostate means the Gland. Has grown bigger. Prostate Enlargement happens to almost all Men as they get Older. An Enlarged Prostate is often called Benign Pro Static Hyperplasia (BPH). It is not Cancer, and it does not Raise your Risk for Crostate cancer. Watch this Video about Enlarged Prostate Gland.

Reconstructive Urology

Reconstructive Urology is Surgery to Restore normal Function by Repairing, Rerouting, or Recreating areas of the Upper and lower Urinary Tract and some Reproductive Organs.

Female Urology

Female Urology Caters to Issues such as Leakage, Urinary Tract Infection, Pelvic Floor Dysfunctional, Over-Responsive Bladder. Most problems are common in Female and Treatable with proper Medication


Neuro Urology is the Treatment caused due to Neurological Symptoms or Spinal Issues. A Patient is Treated with either Operation, Medication or Behavioural change.


A cystoscopy is a procedure to look inside the bladder using a thin camera called a cystoscope. A cystoscope is inserted into the urethra (the tube that carries pee out of the body) and passed into the bladder to allow a doctor or nurse to see inside.

Stent Removal

To remove the stent during a procedure, your provider: Inserts a cystoscope through the urethra and into the bladder. Uses tiny clamps attached to the cystoscope to grab onto the stent. Gently removes the stent.

Supra Pubic Catheraton

A suprapubic catheter is a type of catheter that is left in place. Rather than being inserted through your urethra, the catheter is inserted through a hole in your tummy (abdomen) and then directly into your bladder.

Foley Insertion

In urology, a Foley catheter is a flexible tube that a clinician passes through the urethra and into the bladder to drain urine. It is the most common type of indwelling urinary catheter. The tube has two separated channels, or lumens, running down its length

  • Male Foley Insertion
  • Female Foley Insertion


Female Foley Insertion

Female Foley insertion involves the placement of a sterile catheter into a woman’s bladder through the urethra. The catheter is guided gently until urine flows, indicating correct placement. The balloon at the tip is then inflated to secure it.


 Frenectomy or Frenuloplasty, is a relatively minor surgical procedure performed to loosen or remove overly large, tight, or poorly positioned band(s) of tissue that are present inside the mouth, connected to the lip, cheeks or floor of the mout


Urethral Calibration

The calibration is used for introducing ASG into the urethra as well as to distribute it regularly on the urethral mucosa avoiding concentration or conglomeration which may be the case if a simple injection of ASG through the tip of a syringe or a catheter into urethral orifice is use.


Circumcision is a procedure that removes the foreskin from the human penis. In the most common form of the operation, the foreskin is extended with forceps, then a circumcision device may be placed, after which the foreskin is excised


Insertion Of DJ stent

Ureteral stenting (also known as double J stent) is the procedure to place a thin, flexible plastic tube that is temporarily in the ureter to help urine drain from the kidney into the bladder in the case of a blockage. The ureters carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder.

Optical Urethrotomy

An Optical Urethrotomy is a procedure for opening up a stricture (narrowing) in the urethra (water pipe). A urethral stricture is the medical name for a ring of scar tissue surrounding the urinary passage from the bladder.


Supra-Pubic Cystostomy

A suprapubic cystostomy or suprapubic catheter is a surgically created connection between the urinary bladder and the skin used to drain urine from the bladder in individuals with obstruction of normal urinary flow. The connection does not go through the abdominal cavity.

Urethral dilation

It is a procedure to stretch the sides of the urethra. The urethra is the tube that carries urine from your bladder to outside your body. Sometimes scar tissue narrows the urethra. This is called urethral stricture. When the urethra is narrow, it’s hard for urine to pass through and out of your body.

Bladder biopsy

It is a procedure in which small pieces of tissue are removed from the bladder. The tissue is tested under a microscope.

Buccal Mucosa Harvestation

If necessary, another graft can be harvested from the contra lateral cheek using the same technique. The graft is stabilized on a silicone board to remove the sub mucosal tissue and tailored according to the stricture characteristics. A 4 cm long graft will stretch up to 6 cm due to the elasticity of the oral mucosa



A transurethral cystolitholapaxy is the most common procedure used to treat adults with bladder stones. The surgeon inserts a small, rigid tube with a camera at the end (a cystoscope) into your urethra and up into your bladder. The camera is used to help locate the bladder stones.


The meatus (mee-AY-tis) is the opening in a boy’s penis where the urine (pee) comes out. In meatal stenosis (mee-AT-ul steh-NO-sis), the meatus is too small. Meatoplasty (also called meatotomy) makes the meatus bigger so that pee can come out normally


PCNL : (Percutaneous Nephrolithonomy

PCNL is a technique used to remove certain stones in the kidney or upper urethra (the tube that drains urine from the kidney to the bladder) that are too large for other forms of stone treatment such as shock wave lithotripsy or ureteroscopy.

Ureteroscopy (URS)

It is a form of minimally invasive surgery using a small telescope that is passed through the urethra and into the ureter to remove a stone. Often the stone requires fragmentation with a laser which then allows the smaller fragments to removed with a grasping device

Bladder Neck Incision

Putting through the neck of your bladder to allow you to pass urine more easily and with a better stream.


Is a type of surgery to repair your urethra, the internal tube that transports urine out of your body You may need urethroplasty because of scarring in your urethra that makes it difficult for your urine to flow freely. Surgery may also be part of a series of gender affirmation surgeries

  • Male Urethroplasty
  • Female Urethroplasty


PCNL (Percutaneous nephrolithotomy):

Percutaneous nephrolithotomy is a minimally-invasive procedure to remove stones from the kidney by a small puncture wound through the skin. It is most suitable to remove stones of more than 2 cm in size and which are present near the pelvic region. It is usually done under general anesthesia or spinal anesthesia.

TURBT (Transurethral resection of bladder tumor )

It  is the procedure done to diagnose and to treat early stage bladder cancer at the same time. The initials stand for transurethral resection of a bladder tumor. This procedure is the first-line diagnostic test and treatment for bladder cancer. Men are almost four times more likely than women to be diagnosed with this type of cancer.

Ureteroscopy/Ureterorenoscopy (URS)

Ureteroscopy, also known as ureterorenoscopy, is a procedure in which a small, flexible scope (uteroscope) is inserted through the urethra into the bladder and ureter to diagnose and treat urinary tract problems, including stones.


A varicocelectomy is a surgical procedure that treats a varicocele. It reduces testicular pain and can increase male fertility. Risks include swelling, bruising and injury to your testicular artery